What is Author Chaos?
Tldr: it's a pseudonym, but allow me to talk about myself briefly...
My name is Austin Lidey, and I'm obsessed with technology. In Spring of 2022, graduated Cum Laude with a B.S. in Computer Science & minor in Cyber Security from Eastern Washington University.
Currently, I am an Associate Software Engineer at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) where I'm learning on a daily basis. School was merely a warm up compared to how much I read/learn in just one day on the job.
Author Chaos allows me the opportunity to pursue my hobbies and sharpen my skills outside of work. If you're not willing to do more than you're being paid for, you'll never be paid for more than you're doing. I've only just started to realize this fact of life.
What is this page for?
Throughout college, I never fully appreciated documentation. I was sitting on the shoulders of giants; relying on my scrappiness (and my ability to Google) to carry me forward in my goals.
Fast forward three years, I've dropped the bad habits of my past and learned to love the documentation. What does this mean?

"If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favorable."
This means is I need to build on my ability to document things. The best way, in my opinion, to build my documentation skills is to document everything. From that I can learn from what I'm failing at, continue with what I'm succeeding at. This means writing down my thought process behind a product or goal, visions for how I want to move forward in my pursuits, and of course... *heavy sigh* code documentation.
I've been working professionally for such a short time, but in that small span of time I've learned something quite important: Sound logic shouldn't require a novel to explain; it should be self evident.
How can I contact you?
I don't do social media (often) - However, I regularly read/reply to:
- Emails: austin.lidey@gmail.com
- Discord: #authorchaos